
Hello everyone!

I embark on the great adventure of the blog in order to share with you my passion, my happiness and my unique creations.

Leave me everything first introduce myself and explain to you why I started my business. My name is Stéphanie Devaux. French by origin, I arrived in Quebec at the end of June 2009 and I obtained my Canadian citizenship in 2014. Until recently, I always worked in the events sector. However, as a child, I already liked sewing. It must be said that I fell into it very young, since many women in my family were engaged in this passion: my mom, my godmother and my grandmother, to name a few. My little inner voice and a lot of people around me said to me: "Why don't you live in sewing? You are gifted, and then your eyes sparkle when you present your creations to us." By dint of hearing them, these little voices, I ended up believing them ...

So here it is! I took my courage in both hands and I jumped ... into the void! A somewhat terrifying void, it must be said, because my rubber band was rather soft, but the jump was all the more exciting. I am so happy with this change of life and career! Let no one be mistaken, I do not regret my old field of activity. After all, I offered happiness by creating joyful and stimulating events. It's just that my heart was whispering something else to me.

So, in April 2018, I created DelycaStef, a company that designs zero-waste items and creations from recycled textiles. What does DelycaStef mean? '' DE '' for the start of my last name, '' LY '' for my spouse's initials, '' CA '' for the start of my daughter's first name and '' STEF '' is my nickname. The orange color of my logo, for its part, is a dedication to my son's red hair. The logo as a whole also has a direct link with my children. My family is everything to me. It is my stability, my strength, my inspiration, my support ... in short, my LIFE!

And why zero waste and recycling? Well, it's simple. My first value is respect. By helping people reduce their waste and giving textiles a second life, we are helping the planet. I still use new textiles from time to time, but I select ecological and organic fabrics that meet specific and environmental standards.

In my next articles, I will give you tips to offer a second life in old clothes. I will share with you moments of creation, moments of life "zero waste" and my workshops (among others!) ...

See you soon!

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