Demystify the minimalist lifestyle and discover its benefits for your quality of life

Admit that the first image that comes to mind and that of a small nun's bedroom , commonly called "cell", with a small bed, a bedside table and a chair.
Yet this vision is absolutely not representative of the minimalist lifestyle.
But so what is minimalism?
According to the dictionary: Search for methods or solutions allowing to make the least efforts or the least possible changes.
This leaves a lot of freedom for its interpretation. So let me give you my definition. Minimalism is simply about getting back to basics. Refocus on your present and determine what is important to you.
Define what is essential to you. So you have to take a break to take stock, take a step back to analyze your situation.
If you are talking more specifically about your living and storage spaces, it's to observe the amount of items you own and around you. But also to determine what these objects bring you on a daily basis. Do they give you pleasure, joy and do they make your daily life easier? Or, on the contrary, do they stress you out, clutter you up and prevent you from moving forward?
Ask yourself how it feels to walk outside your door after a long day at work? Do you feel like you are entering an environment that will allow you to rest and recharge your batteries or do you feel like you are feeling heavy, oppressive and discouraged?
You have probably never made the link between your state of fatigue or even exhaustion and the state of your house. Yet they are intimately linked.
Our physical environment is often a reflection of our mental state and may even have an impact on your physical health. An environment in which you don't feel well can even lead you to chronic pain. So it's important to consider it.
I really like to give the following example. When your head is full and you can no longer think or find a solution to a problem, you often have the reflex of cleaning up. Physically tidying up and purifying around you allows you to clear your head and clear your mind.
It has a liberating effect.
So imagine what a clean, tidy and organized environment every day can have benefits on your general quality of life.
Indeed, opt for a more minimalist lifestyle will bring you lightness, simplicity and freedom.
It will allow you to lighten your mental load and focus on what is really important to you. The less you are going to have in your house, the more time, energy and even money you will save.
If you were to list all the things that you bought in your life and you never really used it and you calculated the money you invested in its objects, you would take a nasty leap.
I invite you to take this little downtime to take stock of your situation. Open your wardrobes and closets and see what they contain. And pay attention to how you feel by observing them.
And keep in mind that the minimalist lifestyle is not living with nothing or a dull life, but choosing what is useful to you and which brings you joy. It is finding a balance that will allow you to create a haven of peace in your home where you can relax and share quality time with the people you love.
Marie-Sophie Berruex p >
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