Zero Waste Easter

Pâques Zéro Déchet

Of course, it is the main element of this celebration. But we don't want it to be packed, full of sugar and chemical. There are wonderful bakeries, chocolate shops and organic grocery stores near you. So yes, the budget may be higher, but the quality (and taste!) Will be better.

If you have cooking skills, you can make your own Easter eggs. I'm sure you can easily find great recipes.

Should we just make chocolate treats? Of course not! Small cookies in the shape of eggs or rabbits will be equally appreciated by adults and children alike.

But how to hide the chocolate when it is not wrapped? What if you did an egg painting workshop with your children instead? When the Easter bunny takes your creations to hide them in the house or the garden, your children will have to find them. In exchange, you will give them the chocolates.

If you absolutely want to hide your chocolates, place them:

For the harvest, your children can use a wicker basket, a bag reusable or a nice furoshiki. Nothing could be simpler!

Easter is also an opportunity to get together as a family. Take out your tablecloth and cloth napkins as well as your washable dishes. Decorate your table with natural decorations: real eggs or stones that you will have painted with your children, tree branches, pine cones, natural moss, etc. Guaranteed success! Get inspired by the great ideas on Pinterest!


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