Receive and be invited in Zero Waste mode


When we receive our loved ones, several questions arise naturally. What will I serve my guests? Should I buy disposable dishes? How many will we be? What will they bring?

Let's take it step by step:

- When planning your menu, choose fresh foods such as seasonal vegetables, fish or a piece of meat . Go see your local merchants (market gardener, butcher, formager, grocer ...), they will give you good advice. Don't forget to bring your containers! In any case, here is a simple rule: the simplest meals are often the most appreciated (and the easiest to prepare!).

- Now we set the table. Again, just opt ​​for simplicity. Take out your tablecloth or place mats. Install your washable dishes, even if they are mismatched, this gives a very trendy vintage look. It is better to eat with real utensils and porcelain plates than on plastic not only not very ecological, but also not terrible for health! Do the same with your glasses. You can have great discussions while washing the dishes with your guests. Secrets, anecdotes, giggles are often shared at this stage of the meal.

- If your guests ask you what they can bring, explain to them that you live in zero waste mode. The hostess gift is not necessary. If they insist, tell them to participate in the meal by bringing a good bottle of wine, a prepared dish or fresh bread. In addition, everyone will benefit!


Be careful that your enthusiasm does not take precedence over your zero waste principles. Why not bring your best pie, your favorite dessert or the starter that will make everyone's taste buds dance? This will be an opportunity to take out your pie holder, for example;)

Do you want to pack your bottle? No problem! A shirt sleeve, and presto! That's it! In addition to bringing a touch of originality to your gift, it will impress the hostess, guaranteed!

Another gift idea: the recipe in a Mason jar (a dessert, a soup .. .) that you have prepared yourself. The different layers of ingredients, visible through the transparent glass, bring a wow effect!

Finally, tell your host that you can help him with the dishes, which may convince him to use reusable objects. Adios! disposable plates!

Of course, these tips are applicable for all occasions and are not limited to the holidays;)

I wish you to spend beautiful moments with people who are dear to you!

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