An organized return to school

Did you experience exceptional moments during your vacation? I hope you have had a rest, that you have had unforgettable experiences with your loved ones ...
After recharging your batteries, you should already be thinking about back to school. I will give you some solutions for an organized return to school
You should have received the list of school supplies from your coconuts. Before buying everything, I advise you to sort through your cupboards and your child's bag from the previous year.
For my part, I bought my daughter's supplies for her I returned to pre-kindergarten and since then I have been reusing school bags, cases, bags, plastic bags, rulers, scissors and duo tags. This allows you to save a lot of money and to sort.
If you still need supplies, look in the used one, for example, for calculators and study books for each subject studied.
Now that you have the right equipment, you need to plan your weekly meals and the grocery list. For easy meals and to optimize time, cook your meals and make your portions in advance.
For example, cook starchy foods, proteins, vegetables ... Pre-cut your vegetables, cheese and fruit separate them into separate dishes and you can make different dishes at each meal but with the same ingredients ;-). With this method, you prepare not only your meals, but also the snacks that will be healthier.
We want our children to also thrive in sports, music or cultural activities. This is organization and additional costs. If you or your children need specific equipment, shop for second-hand items. Our agenda is also tight; so try to see with close parents of your child's same school group to carpool or share trips. This in turn relieves the routine ;-)
I wish you a good start!
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